Many of the following questions relate specifically to characters in The Last Promise. I hope they will offer you more opportunities to consider the story and the people who populate it. Feel free to copy and use the questions for your book club or teaching activities, or just for your own personal edification.
- The book’s establishing section harks to an earlier time and is written in an older style compared to the rest of the story. Did this affect your ability to get into the book?
- Was there symbolism present? If so, what did you think of the message the author was trying to convey? What ideas was he trying to illustrate?
- Did your opinion of this book change as you read it? How?
- Which part of the book resonated most with you?
- What was your favourite quote (or passage) from this book? Why did this quote stand out?
- How did the book make you feel? What emotions did it evoke?
- What did you learn from this book?
- How did this book change your perspective on this historical time period or historical event?
- Does the book address the social and/or political issues of that era, and if so, how?
- Do you see a parallel with today’s social or political climate?
- Why do you think the author set this story during this time period?
- Do you feel like this book was well-researched? Why or why not?
- If you could talk to the author, what burning question would you want to ask?
- Was the book satisfying to read? Why or why not?
- Would you recommend the book to a friend? How would you summarize the story if you were to recommend it?
- What songs does this book make you think of? Create a book playlist.
- Were the characters clearly drawn and depicted?
- If this were to happen in real life, would these characters and plot points seem believable to you? Did they remind you of anyone you know?
- Which character did you most relate to and why?
- Which character did you feel the most sympathy for?
- Which characters in the book did you like best?
- Which characters did you like least?
- Who was the funniest character?
- Which character prompted the strongest emotional reaction for you? Why?
- Did the characters’ motives seem reasonable?
- What motivates the actions of each of the characters in the book?
- Considering Arthur’s devotion to family, why do you think he left to join up and fight?
- Considering the situation Julia was left with, how did you imagine she carried on?
- What do you think it was that got Tim through his burden of guilt?
- What helped Margaret hold herself together after her family’s great trauma?
- What is it Russell does to maintain bringing honour to his family name?
- How would you describe Tim’s most persistent impulse?
- What would you say is Lizzie’s strength of character? And how did it manifest itself?
- What do you think Darcy’s first priority was in returning to the town?
- How might Darcy have acted out as a youngster? And what later event might have thrown suspicion on him?
- What were the actions of Tim’s horse, Skipper that suggested it had a purpose to fulfill?
- How do you feel about Darcy’s sudden appearance at Annie’s place? And how did you react to her ultimate response to him?
- When Jim is over-committed with responsibilities, which role do you think he'd most likely give up?
- What were the power dynamics between the characters and how did that affect their interactions?
- How would you describe Russell and Jim's relationship? Where is the tension in their relationship?
- Tim's mother's life changed after the great trauma. How were these changes reflected in Tim?
- What is at the heart of Peter's friendship with Darcy?
- How would you describe Bob and Betty's relationship with each other?
- If Jim is experiencing a vocational crisis, who would be the most likely to support him?
- Who would you say Darcy has the most respect for?
- Who would you say Annie is most devoted to?
- Who do you think Reggie is most loyal to? And why?
- How does the way the characters see themselves differ from the way others see them?
- What was it most of all that Darcy had been trying to hide from himself?
- What advantages does Steve have?
- What do you think most spurred Peter to make amends?
- What is it that Jodie is looking for in her life?
- How does Annie’s health impact her interactions with others?
- What is holding Steve back?
- How would you describe Jim’s intellectual life in Clement?
- Were there times you disagreed with a character's actions? What would you have done differently?
- What is Jim’s most important role?
- Which other character would have made an interesting protagonist?
- Which character in the book would you most like to meet?
- If you could hear this same story from another person’s point of view, who would you choose?
- How have the characters changed by the end of the book?
- What might indicate Arthur had arrived at a point of fatalism?
- What can you point to as being Margaret’s greatest regret?
- What might be the the most important influences on Reggie?
- Having read about Jodie, her job in the town, reputation, what else might there be about her you've learned?
- Was the romance realised realistically? Was it plausible?
- When is it that Lizzie’s romantic aspirations are revealed?
- Where might Tim have learned his sense of romance?
- What do you think will happen next to the main characters?
- Considering all you know about Margaret, how do feel her future would play out?
- Given his family’s local history, is Steve likely ever to leave Clement?
- How would you describe Annie’s life-long hope, and its conclusion?
- If you were making a movie of this book, who would you cast to play each of the lead characters?
- What do you think Julia would have tried to instill in her children about their father?
- What do you think is the essence of Tim’s strength of personality?
- What are some examples of Lizzie’s self assuredness?
- Describe Lizzie’s most uncompromising attributes?
- What is it about Reggie that seems to make her a well-adjusted kid?
- How would you describe Russell’s personality?
- What attitude would you say Bob and Betty have about their place in Clement?
- What, if any, do you think were unusual, or mysterious behaviours exhibited by Tim’s horse, Skipper?
- Did you think the first sentence of the book was effective? Why do you think the author started with that sentence?
- What scene would you point out as the pivotal moment in the narrative? How did it make you feel?
- What scene resonated with you most on a personal level? Why? How did it make you feel?
- Which scenes did you find humorous?
- How well do you think the author built the world in the book?
- What do you think are Clement’s special, or peculiar attributes?
- What kind of impression did the town of Clement make on you?
- If you were to come to this town, and see its imposing memorial at the crossroads, how would you feel?
- How does the setting contribute to and progress the story?
- How important was the time period or the setting to the story? Did you think it was accurately portrayed?
- How would the book have played out differently in a different time period or setting?
- Which places in the book would you most like to visit and why?
- What surprised you most about the book? Why? Were there significant plot twists and turns? If so, what were they? How believable were they?
- Were there any plot twists that you loved? Any you hated?
- Did the author do a good job of organizing the plot and moving it along?
- What was your favourite chapter and why?
- What (if any) questions do you still have about the plot?
- Why do you think the author ended the book with the last sentence? Do you think it was effective?
- Did you guess the ending of the book, and if so, how?
- Did you find the ending of the book satisfying?
- How did you feel about the ending? How would you change it?
- Have any of your personal views changed because of this book? If so, how?